Questionnaire Business Information Business Name Trading Name Business Legal Entity Sole TraderLimitedPartnership Business Type Business Start Date Business Address [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-1 "Next" ""] Director Details Customer Name Date of Birth Phone Mobile Email Address Current Home Address When did you move to above address? Please tell us previous address, If current address is less than 3 years old. Residential status Owner with MortgageOwner with No MortgageTenantLiving with Parents [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-2 "Back" "Next" "Step 2"] Additional Information How much funds customer needs Term of funds required ( 12 months to 60 months) Reason for Funding Id Proof Last 3 months Bank statements Latest annual accounts I confirm to give necessary consents to NFS ( Nanosoft Financial Solutions) and its panel of lenders to authorise and to perform credit reference agency searches on the parties named in this application. I confirm that the parties named herein that a record of the credit search will be recorded by the credit reference agencies and may be seen by other companies carrying out credit enquiries. I confirm that I authorises NFS to talk to their panel of lenders,directors and officers, or members, or any of the undersigned guarantors, or other individual, from vendors, supplies, landlords/mortgages, credit reference agencies, card transaction processors, banks and creditors related to the business named in the application. This information will be used exclusively for the purposes of entering into an agreement with the respective lender for duration of such agreement. We will use the information provided in this application to contact you about our financial products. Please tick the box to confirm that your customer is happy to receive this information from us. I Agree to terms and conditions & privacy and policy. [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-3 "Back" "Step 3"]